Since uvs are already moved, you'll have to remake the whole process from the beginning
I'll write a simplified method:
- Open S4S, click on CAS, find the base of the hair, select one swatch, click on Next, name it Base, save. Export LOD 0 as Base.blend. Repeat the same process with Bangs and Braid;
- Open Base.blend. Click on the top of the hair to select the main meshgroup, double-click on its name and rename to Base. Hide hat chops;
- Select Base, switch to Edit mode, enable X-ray, select one vertex in the middle of the head, Select – Select Linked. Select - Invert. Mesh – Merge – By distance and UVs – Merge – By distance, change Merge distance to 0.0001;
- somewhat select an area of the bangs you want to replace. Press Ctrl L, choose UVs to select the rest. Holding middle mouse button, pan around to make sure everything is selected. Mesh - Delete - Faces;
- File – Append, in Bangs.blend choose Object folder. Select s4studio_mesh_0, Shift-select s4studio_mesh_2, Append;
- Shift-click the top of the appended hair twice, delete others appended stuff. Rename to Bangs, select it;
- In Edit mode select everything with A, merge by distance in 3d view and UV editor. Select everything but the bangs you want to keep, delete;
- select everything, press G, put them in the right place. Rotate and Scale if needed;
- Repeat the same process with the braid: append, merge, delete unnecessary, put in the right place;
- Enable Proportional editing, enable Connected, select one vertex, press G, scroll up to adjust the radius, move. Close all gaps you can this way. Repeat with the braid;
- Select Braid, choose uv_0, ( very important step) create a new one with + button, select it;
- in Edit mode select everything, move uvs outside of the uv space. Ctrl-select Base, switch to Edit mode again. Click on Open and set
this image as the background.
- you can put uvs in the space meant for hair, all areas of the scalp covered by it and that empty space above the forehead ( red line shows all of that on the image below ):
- so put UVs of the braid in free spots, without scaling. You can rotate them;
- repeat the whole process with Bangs. Create a new uv map, move uvs outside of the uv space, choose that image in the drop down, put uvs in free spots. Something like this:
- In Render tab choose Cycles. Expand Bake, choose Diffuse. Disable Direct and Indirect. Disable Clear image. Set Margin’s Type to Extend and Size to 4. Save your blend, just in case;
- Expand the timeline and change it to Shader editor. Select the bangs, select one Image node, press Shift D to duplicate it, do not plug it anywhere. In the drop down of this duplicated node choose the texture of Base ( id advice to rename them for convenience). Hit Bake;
- Repeat the same process with the braid: select Braid meshgroup, duplicate one image node, chose Base's diffuse, hit bake;
- In UV editor Image – Save as, name it Diffuse;
- while you could rebake all diffuse, specular and normal maps this way with some minor adjustments, I'd advice to not over-complicate things for now;
- when you move things around, its best to re-transfer all data responsible for moving and morphing. In your case there most likely wont be any problems, so you can skip it;
- select Bangs.
Select uv_1 and duplicate with +. Then delete uv_0 and uv_1 with -. Rename UVMap to uv_0 and UVmap.001 to uv_1. Repeat the same process with the braid;
- select all meshgroups and Object – Join;
- Unhide both hat chops, merge by distance both of them;;
- save, import back into the package, then your diffuse, test in-game;
- once happy, make lods and other maps as explained by the end of
this thread