UPDATE 2020-08-16 SrslySims updated her version of the menus to work for University - Eco-Life. Update fixes woodwork table and grill options. If you are using these Expansion Packs, use
SrslySims's version.
SrslySims Update is available HERE THANK YOU SrslySims
Use my version of Expander OR Srsly's NOT BOTH!!
2019-11-29 University Expansion totally did a number on menus, but I was unable to re-create the issue in basegame. However a fellow S4S member SrslySims had the expansion and updated a version that fixes most of the issues (some items may still produce an exception error). If you are using University expansion, "it works for all the new menu changes. Fridge/WoodWorking/Etc. I also put all of the fridge menus under 1 nested menu called "Craft Lenaid Specialty"
Known conflict with LittleMsSam_PersonalObjects_FridgesStovesAndGrills
UPDATE 2018-11-16 Last patch left nearly everything untouched, with one exception - grills. All the recipes are unaffected, so you only need to update the expander. The whole menu framework changed - couldn't figure out the slick menus like refrigerator, so the clunky buttons with words are what you get. I may come back and alter it in future, but I rarely grill. If you don't use the grill, no need to update.
UPDATE 2018-3-22 I added a whole BAR custom drinks section to all the bars that I could find (thanks Andrew). These menus give custom drink creation options to creators. Just add the snippet to your drink and it will show on the menu - Currently only EA drink glasses are recognized by the bar, so custom glasses won't work at this time. Expander adds "Make Juice", "Pour Wine", "Pour a Beer" and “Mixed Drink, Liqueur or Shot” menus. Images below.
UPDATE 2018-2-7 Fixed disappearing menu titles when inspired on woodwork table (the code was there but I had C0DF9293 instead of 0xC0DF9293 on a few of the menus) ADDED Sculpture category to woodwork table.
Update 2017-12-16 Woodworking and electronics building was broken by latest patch. Issue fixed and updated, if you use woodworking, download new version. Modified electronics table so download new version of that also.
UPDATE for Pet food 2017-11-21
Pet food menu is overwritten by this mod. Since I couldn't fix the menu, let's do it in reverse - Add pet food to MEAT category. If you need pet food from fridge instead of stove, add
this file to mods folder.
UPDATED VERSION 2017-11-09 Updated for pets patch AND merged in grill enhancer options - Many thanks to Andrew for finding the error
A new day has dawned for creators of food and other recipe related craftables.
It is with great pride we release Andrew's Craft Enabler and Leniad's Menu Expander.
"What do these do?" you may ask. The answer is amazing.
Andrew's Craft Enabler allows recipes to be read by in-game craft producing objects via snippet tuning inserted in the
into the package files of the finished craft object. Eliminating the need for lists of objects included in the craft producing
object or other associated scripts. If the finished craft object has the snippet tuning it will be found.
Leniad's Menu Expander provides additional menu options for craft producing objects (refrigerators, woodworking bench, electronics build table)
that allow creators to categorize their craftables, if they choose to. All EA
base game refrigerators and the woodworking table have been included
in this mod, so you don't need a new fridge. If you use a fridge from an expansion pack, menu will not appear. Create a clone of the expansion pack fridge and tune it as one of the base game fridges to solve this issue.
For the Menu Enhancer to function 3 items must be in mods folder.
1. Andrew's Craft Enabler script Download Craft Enabler
HERE2. Menu Enhancer - on this page.
3. Craft object that has snippet tuning for enabler script. My filenames end in Snippet2
This is a NEW Menu System and so your old recipes with other food interaction systems do not have the snippet code and will not appear in the menus. I have updated all of my previous releases to the new Snippet format and am updating them here at S4S. All NEW recipes will be in Snippet format. I am in the process of creating some of your favorites that were made by others into my versions with new tunings to appear in menus, so you can still have your favorites AND new recipes.
Currently seeking translations, so if the Menu text isn't in your language, send me a translation. Currently in English, Portuguese, Dutch, French, German and Spanish.
Creator Tutorial Snack menu was replaced to allow custom content, a few options are not in "Cook".
This snippet adds them back to "Snacks" if you want them.
UPDATE 2017-05-11 Wine menu added to refrigerator
Parenthood users: This mod removes some EA menu options from refrigerators and will make option "Pack Lunch" not appear.
Not only Food but woodworking also
And GrillAnd
BAR OPTIONSJust to let you know, ALL of my posts dealing with food or craftables have been updated to new system, so getting new copies and deleting old versions is a good idea.
-kinchik –Portuguese translations
-Bakie Dutch
-fuyaya French
-withsimlove Danish
- Jevi German
#Leniad #Assorted #Food #Woodworking #Electronics