Post by wistaire on Feb 20, 2020 12:59:12 GMT -5
Hey, first time poster here! I've been figuring out wall speculars for tiled 'wallpaper', and after some struggle I finally got the result I was looking for. My first tiles have a tiny amount of weird pixelation but not very noticeable. Now I'm working with an image that has some diagonal shaped tiles and noticed some really nasty artifacts around them. I tried several times to fix them- but nothing helped. I did a search to see if someone asked about this before but all I could find was people with similar problems (on cas/face items) being told to not use .dds files, which is not going to work here since that completely removes the shine. Maxis has a diagonally shaped tile with the same problems, are we both making the same mistake or is this just how diagonal lines on speculars render in game? Screenshot shows Maxis base game tiles and my own and the artifacts/pixelation that appears when viewed from any angle but straight on.
Post by wistaire on Feb 28, 2020 20:08:06 GMT -5
Not sure if this is okay, but kicking this back up since I still haven't figured this out. I guess if nobody knows I'll either just have to live with the artifacts or not use diagonal lines in my tiled wallpapers...
Post by menaceman44 on Mar 1, 2020 11:18:13 GMT -5
I think that this is unfortunately just an unavoidable result of texture compression. The game will always struggle with diagonals since they don't follow the straight pattern of a pixel grid layout. If even the EA originals do it as you show then I think the best you are going to be able to do is just to try and minimise it.
Post by wistaire on Mar 4, 2020 13:02:46 GMT -5
So after some more testing- it's not actually the specular that causes this, it's the normal map. Using the same specular without a normal map causes no pixelation. Going to test some changes to the normal map... if that doesn't work then I guess that's just the way it renders diagonals in game.