Post by amydelabc on Jul 1, 2020 17:30:10 GMT -5
Hey, so having read the rules, I'm not super sure if this is allowed or not because this part of it isn't related to S4S? (I think I would end up using S4S later in the process...pretty sure, anyway. I'm still working out how to do all this.) I thought about posting it as a comment on the actual tutorial, but I wasn't sure if anyone would see it or not (the last comment was in 2018 and was a question which doesn't appear to have been answered)... If you'd like me to do that instead, though, I can--just let me know! So orangemittens made a tutorial way back in 2015 about importing a Sims 3 mesh into Blender from a Sims 3 package. I've downloaded Blender 2.7 (I had the new version, so now I've got both, haha) and the S3PY stuff, and gotten as far as importing the mesh, but when I do, it gives me this... ...with or without error message (at least, I managed no errors last night...). I did look into other ways of exporting the mesh for use in either Blender or Milkshape. There's something about exporting the GEOM files here, but when I look at the package file in S3PE, it doesn't have GEOM files... In the Tag column, I'm seeing things like "MODL" (which seems likely to be the mesh?), and "_XML", and some other stuff. So basically, I guess I was wondering if I could get some assistance (Also, proof of permission to convert is below. I've blacked out anything that might give personal info, including my Favorites Bar and Chrome add-ons, so the screenshot does look a bit weird, but...yeah haha.) Let me know if there's any other info you need, or if I should move this post or anything Thanks for any help you can give!
Post by simmerish20 on Jul 2, 2020 7:30:44 GMT -5
If it's a CAS mesh or something with joints, a few tips on getting the proper files from S3PE from SerenityFall's 3t2 tutorial, here: serenity-fall.dreamwidth.org/1366.html (at the top, with images - you can probably use the first parts of this tutorial to extract the TS3 parts you need for a 3t4 conversion, too - mind, this method won't work for an ingame file, where you'll need TSRW, just for a ".package" file). I think you'll want the steps down to the line "Once you have all the files you need, close down s3pe and open up milkshape." That's where she starts modifying the rig into a T-pose for TS2, and from there it's TS2 all the way, which is probably not what you want. --- If it's not a CAS mesh, just a regular object without joints, use an OBJ mesh. They're much easier to handle than anything containing joints, especially if you're making a plain deco item or a chair or table or anything like that. I'm kinda guessing it's something with joints since it's Fresh-Prince, but if it's a car or something like that, you could get away with not needing joints since TS4 vehicles don't have much in the way of joints, anyway. I guess it depends what you're planning to do with it.
Post by amydelabc on Jul 3, 2020 19:07:46 GMT -5
Hey, thanks for the reply! It's actually not a CAS mesh--it is, in fact, a car Honestly, I'm pretty much planning to just have it sit around as a decorative item, haha. I wanna keep things simple, especially since I'm such a beginner, and it's not like you can really do much with cars in Sims 4 anyway. Apologies if I'm just being dumb/oblivious here (which is entirely possible, as I've been really out of it lately...I blame the allergies :P ), but what exactly do you mean when you say to use an OBJ mesh? Like, I do see OBJD and OBJK in S3PE... Can I open these in Blender or something? Or like...? Sorry, I'm completely clueless on this stuff, haha. And I've found multiple tutorials for converting Sims 3 stuff to Sims 4, and every one I've looked at has had some kind of problem I've run into partway through the process. (For example, SrslySims has a conversion tutorial, but you have to own Sims 3. And there's this, but you have to have the mesh already and have it open-able in a modeling program.) So I guess I'm just hoping to get to the point (somehow) where I can FOLLOW one of the tutorials... So if anyone has any recs for tutorials that actually apply to what I'm doing/are not hopelessly outdated...or even just recs for helpful advice...it'd be great if you could let me know!
Post by simmerish20 on Jul 3, 2020 19:36:22 GMT -5
An OBJ mesh is a format widely used in 3D programs, and is one Blender can also import/export. If you can use this format, it's absolutely the easiest one.
In TSRW you can extract a mesh as either a WSO or an OBJ. I mostly extract as OBJ in TSRW (I think you need plugins in Milkshape or something to use WSO files).
It's not the same as OBJD or OBJK. You can't export as OBJ in S3PE. You can however export as OBJ in Milkshape, so if you figure out how to import from some or another format to Milkshape you can export as OBJ from Milkshape, and the way to import the rigged mesh to Milkshape is in the tutorial I linked.
If you're having problems, maybe link to the file you want to extract, and I can either help extract the file or guide you through it (if you say which programs you have access to - you need S3PE and Milkshape to extract it with the rig, or TSRW and Blender to extract just the mesh without the rig).
I don't have TSRW at the moment, but have an older version ready to install (the newest version is really bad, especially the one with TS4 because it keeps crashing), so I can always figure that one out (and I do have TS3 installed, so that's no problem either).
CAS meshes and other rigged meshes use very similar setups, so the extraction process is pretty similar. If you know how to work with CAS meshes, you're on the track with rigged objects too. That goes for extraction/import, as well.
Post by amydelabc on Jul 4, 2020 15:57:09 GMT -5
Thanks so much!! This definitely clarifies some things, haha.
So I guess, having read this, my first question is--do I need a rig for this? I have a very vague understanding of this stuff from previous (usually short-lived) forays into 3D art... If I've understood right, rigs are usually for things that are going to, like...move? Is that right? If so, I'm assuming I probably don't need to worry about that bit, since this is really just meant for decoration, yeah?
If I do need a rig, I'mma have to find a tutorial about that, too, haha. I don't know anything about working with CAS meshes, so yeah. But I can definitely do that if necessary.
As far as extraction goes... I did have a look at TSRW, and it's possible I missed something, but it looked to me like it wasn't really very usable without Sims 3 game? Could be wrong, but I had tried installing it, hoping to somehow find a workaround to use SrslySims's tutorial, or part of it at least, even though I didn't have Sims 3, and the program kept complaining when I didn't give it my (nonexistent) Sims 3 folder. It's possible I can just ignore the notifications and it'll work anyway, though, so idk? If you think it's worth a try, I'll reinstall it (I uninstalled yesterday because I didn't think it was gonna be much use, haha).
I can have another look as far as importing to Milkshape, but so far my research hasn't given me much. It would be awesome if you're willing to give me some help, though! When you say "link to the file," do you mean link to the download page on Fresh-Prince's site, or would you prefer a Google Drive link or something? (I'm happy to use either method, although do you think I need Fresh-Prince's permission to post the actual file here? I mean...it's currently the exact same file I downloaded off their site, so I would assume not, but...?) ATM I have Blender and S3PE installed, but I'm happy to install either Milkshape or TSRW if needed (both are free, right? I don't exactly have money RN, haha).
Post by simmerish20 on Jul 4, 2020 16:08:03 GMT -5
If you just want it for decoration - no, you don't need the rig, you just need the mesh. If you want a poseable (in Blender/Milkshape, mind) mesh, you may need the rig for this, but again, it's not necessary, and you can rig it up later. If you want a driveable car, you'd most likely need a driveable car rig in the game you wanted to export it to (and since there's no such thing for TS4... really not much point to it). I think the closest you get is converting it to a bike, and then you can use the bike rig - the TS3 rig is completely unnecessary. Long story short, you can manage fine without the TS3 rig. --- Is TSRW usable without TS3? I haven't the faintest idea. I think I've had at least the basegame when I've used it (I have all the EPs now), so I don't know how it reacts. I vaguely (and potentially not accurately) remember I could open some TS4 CC files without having TS4, but I'm not sure. the program never worked particularly well with TS4 meshes. S3PE is probably a lot more useful in those regards, but also has the annoying problem of not having exportable finished textures like TSRW has (you can only export the overlays/DDS files), so you'll have to do that job in Photoshop/Gimp/similar. And the fact you most likely need Milkshape to get a use out of it (unless there are Blender plugins for the GEOM files? I'm not entirely sure). Milkshape isn't technically free, but there are some... options, I guess you could say? The rest of them are free. --- Anyway, I can poke around in the files and see if I can find a free and no-TS3 friendly method for you that hopefully doesn't require Milkshape (can of worms...) or TSRW (another can of worms...) that could be of help to you and perhaps others with similar issues. --- If you can link to the download page that would be fine (as long as they use clean links that go directly to the download page, like Mediafire/Box/Simfileshare/GoogleDrive/DropBox, etc. - I don't download from adfly-like sites on principle, as lately these are immediately being detected and blocked by my antivirus so I don't trust those...)
Post by amydelabc on Jul 4, 2020 17:53:59 GMT -5
Ah, perfect, thanks! Tbh I probably won't mess with a rig, at least not now; like you said, I can always do that later if I need to. Hmm okay. Maybe I'll download TSRW again just in case, see if I can get it to behave on my end without Sims 3. I do have Gimp, so depending on what I would have to do with it, that is an option if necessary. And IIRC (I've been researching this so much that it's all mixed up in my head, so idk for sure), there are Blender plugins for GEOM files... That said, they may or may not be super outdated again, haha. Ah, okay, good to know. I only did a few minutes' investigation of Milkshape, so I wasn't sure. I mean tbh even if it has a free trial it might be workable if necessary (depending on how long the trial is and stuff), since I'm not sure if I'm going to do this conversion thing again or not. Blender is most likely preferable since it is free, but yeah, Milkshape is maybe an option. Tbh that would be awesome if you find something! Thanks much!! K, cool beans. The download page is here, and it's actually a download straight from this site itself, not a Dropbox or whatever, so yeah (And nw on Adfly and similar, I don't use them either. They make me nervous, haha.) UPDATE: Just attempted to use TSRW... It appears (though I could be wrong) that you have to create a new project in order to import a file (which makes sense), and when I tried to create a new project, it told me it couldn't do anything until I'd filled in the file paths. My path for Sims 4 was already there, so...yeah, upshot is, looks like I probably can't use it without Sims 3. :(
Post by simmerish20 on Jul 4, 2020 18:24:24 GMT -5
Eh... I forgot that really annoying thing I used to struggle with - only body meshes come as GEOM files. Object files come as Lod/Model files if exported from S3PE, and I have yet to find working plugins for those files in Milkshape or Blender (Even found an old post by me from last year about that very problem, so I'm not sure if there ever was a solution ). Plugins are mentioned here at the bottom, but not linked, so I don't know if there actually are any --> murfeelee.tumblr.com/post/146959802986/ts4-to-ts3-extractingBut there's still TSRW. You probably won't be able to access anything CAS-related, but objects could work. If you can get it to work with CC files, that could still be a solution. The (apparently) less annoying/buggy version is here: greenplumbboblover.tumblr.com/post/169394981331/tsr-workshop-the-good-version-so-a-while-ago-i
Post by amydelabc on Jul 4, 2020 18:31:54 GMT -5
...poop. Hmm. I'd just edited my previous post--looks like I can't use TSRW without Sims 3, or at least so far as I can tell. *sigh* There is this, but it looks a bit complicated? Idk. I guess I could try it out. Or if you wouldn't mind extracting things on your end and sending to me? Up to you though I don't wanna overload you or anything, haha.
Post by amydelabc on Jul 4, 2020 18:51:29 GMT -5
slkjsdalfkj This version of TSRW ALMOST let me import...but then at the last second it was like "TSRW cannot run without the base game files, exiting." GAH.
EDIT: Okay so I downloaded the Blender 2.7 TS3 Tools thing, but my S3PE doesn't appear to have an option to do s3m2b? I'mma try it as what it does have, which is MODEL file type...
EDIT 2: ...nope. *sigh*
Post by simmerish20 on Jul 4, 2020 19:01:26 GMT -5
Maybe that's the plugins I've been looking for. Unfortunately, the "MeshExpImpHelper" it seems you need for them to work goes to a page that doesn't exist.
Went ahead and installed the less-pain TSRW version above and extracted the files for you (PM). Could be that version is a little less annoying (if that's not the one you already tried?). Perhaps it just has an auto-detection sensor for my TS3 game, because there was not a single word about having to link it up.
(Half the reason I got TS3 and TS4 was so I could convert stuff from them to TS2 - you have no idea how much easier it is to do that if you actually have the games, because suddenly programs like S4S and TSRW work. I have played the games too, of course).
Post by amydelabc on Jul 4, 2020 19:18:01 GMT -5
*nods* Yeah, the MeshExpImpHelper link was bad, but when I Googled, I got this... Which ended up leading me back to S3PE... I was trying to decide if it was worth messing with a different version of S3PE, haha. But YOU ARE FREAKING WONDERGUL FOR EXPORTING FOR ME THANK YOU!! And oh--yeah, sorry, I should've mentioned about the auto-detection for the game folders; it does have that, because it found my Sims 4 folder just fine, but it said it couldn't find the Sims 3 folder and did I want to put it in manually, and it was when I said no that it was like "fine I'll just exit then." And yeah haha...there definitely is that, and if I end up liking this whole conversion thing enough I might invest in TS3 once I actually have some money to spend. I mostly just didn't want to spend it if I was only going to do this once, you know? I even looked into it briefly to see if I could find it on the cheap, and I mean...it's cheapER than TS4, but any versions I actually trusted were at least in the range of $10 (sketchy-ish-looking but okay) to $15, and the official version was like $20...and I'm just like...that's a little much to spend if this is a one-off project and I'm pretty much broke. Haha. So yeah, idk...I'll have to see. But in the meantime THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH AGAIN.
Post by simmerish20 on Jul 4, 2020 22:59:19 GMT -5
Happy to help It does look like the helper file you found could be the right one, but the readme is a bit confusing. I'll test a bit tomorrow. EDIT: So it looks like the mesh helper plugin did kinda work (the files did export from S3PE with the format they were supposed to - s3asc/s3ascg), and the Blender plugin did install (plugin and format is showing up in Blender), but the folder with the exported files shows up empty in Blender (and I exported all the MLOD/MODL files). So something clearly isn't working. Could be the plugin isn't working with the 2.76 Blender version or some such. I haven't tried other Blender versions. If you want to test it out, go for the install versions of both S3PE and the Mesh helper (I first tried the no-install versions, but couldn't figure out how to properly install the mesh helper, and got several errors, so I caved and installed it properly).
Post by amydelabc on Aug 15, 2020 17:24:34 GMT -5
Happy to help It does look like the helper file you found could be the right one, but the readme is a bit confusing. I'll test a bit tomorrow. EDIT: So it looks like the mesh helper plugin did kinda work (the files did export from S3PE with the format they were supposed to - s3asc/s3ascg), and the Blender plugin did install (plugin and format is showing up in Blender), but the folder with the exported files shows up empty in Blender (and I exported all the MLOD/MODL files). So something clearly isn't working. Could be the plugin isn't working with the 2.76 Blender version or some such. I haven't tried other Blender versions. If you want to test it out, go for the install versions of both S3PE and the Mesh helper (I first tried the no-install versions, but couldn't figure out how to properly install the mesh helper, and got several errors, so I caved and installed it properly). Wow I'm so sorry I got super distracted by RL and a million other hobbies...heh. RN I'm still working with what you exported for me (thank you again :D ), but I may end up coming back to this at some point if I decide to do more converting. Thanks a million for all your help!