I change lot sizes a lot! It is mega easy (once you know how)
1st: Find the world you want - To do this, go to ThisPC|LocalDisk|ProgramFiles(x86)|OriginGames|TheSims4| -- Now, each folder is labelled EP,GP,FP or SP: EP is expansion Pack, GP is game pack, FP is free pack, SP is Stuff Pack -- The numbers are in order of when that pack was released e.g: EP09 for Eco Living, as there has only been 9 expansion packs and Eco Living was the 9th - Enter this folder to find a list of districts, they are not labelled the same as in game, but it isn't too hard to know which is which... e.g: In windenburg EP02|OldTownRuins -- is the ruins lot within Windenburg
The type you want should be WORLD file
2nd: CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR CHOSEN ORIGINAL WORLD - This means, if you make a mistake, or don't like the result, you can just copy this file back into the game - I have an originals folder in my documents for each world
3rd: CREATE AN EDITS FOLDER OF YOUR CHOSEN WORLD - I have edit folders for each original world I edit
4th: Once you have copied and pasted your file, you can open it with S4S
5th: Search for DATA
6th: Enter World Data
7th: Go to ObjectManagers and click, Edit Items
8th: Each lot will have it's own ObjectManager (bar the last one, which is Objects in world, (off lot, in the background)), click on one and "edit items"
9th: Here you will find ObjectManagerLotID and ObjectManagerLotData (You want to edit Lot Data so, click on it and "Edit Items")
10th: Now to understand Hex... You need the last two numbers of the LotSizeDataX andf LotSizeDataZ. Each lot size is written in Hex...
www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-decimal.html Is my fav site to translate Hex to Decimals and vise versa... Simply though, I can remember Hex40 = Decimal64 and Hex14 = Decimal20 etc.
11th: Edit those last two numbers to whatever Lot size you want! HOWEVER | You can only change the lot size to an already programmed and existing Lot Size in game e.g: I can't make a 100x100 I have to stick with 64x64 and I can't make a 20x16 lot, I have to have a 20x15, because the lot templates are already programmed in game.
12th: SAVE
13th: When exiting each "tab" of the studio editor for this file SAVE do not hit close, SAVE, otherwise it will revert to the original size! SAVE!!!!!!
14th: Once you have done this, it should have saved itself to your newly created Edits Folder, (it won't save in the ProgramFiles(x86) location... it has to save in your documents etc.)
15th: NOW... Read carefully... Check it has saved as a WORLD file... NOW, Copy that file into the location file you took the original from, e.g. I am copying my OldTownRuins back to ThisPC|LocalDisk|ProgramFiles(x86)|OriginGames|TheSims4|EP02|Worlds|Areas - an warning will come up about replacing the one with the same name, you must click REPLACE!!!!!!!!
16th: NOW... READ EVEN MORE CAREFULLY! Paste the same edited world file to ThisPC|LocalDisk|ProgramFiles(x86)|OriginGames|TheSims4|Delta|EP02|Worlds|Areas
17th: If you are using a basegame world, they do not have a Delta File location, but are located ONLY in ThisPC|LocalDisk|ProgramFiles(x86)|OriginGames|TheSims4|DATA|Shared|Worlds|Areas
18th: Once this is done, you may open up your game and admire the edited lot size... as it eats away at the rest of the world... to move the lot to a location you want you must go to the same location where you edited the lot, but rather than changing the x and z you want to change the position... you should have a numerical layout of 000,000,000 ... the first number is the x axis, the second is the up and down (z) and the third is the y axis... each single number is equivalent to one in game tile... be careful though, the original lot size is cut out of the game terrain, so you have to keep the lot covering the "original lot"otherwise you will get a gaping hole in your world.
19th: Play around a bit, editing the worlds is GREAT fun! You'll have a ball... you could build a ball... on a 64x64 lot in Willow Creek??? The sims 4 world is your Oyster my friend... or your Victorian London... or your Space invaders Playground... WHO KNOWS!!!!! Have fun, and reply with any problems you come across. I'll be checking back!
Okay so new problem here. Every time i attempt to load the property i changed size on, it remains unchanged in the manage world menu and when selected it crashes to the select a world menu.
I have been trying to change a lot's size for about 4 hours now, and i can't get it to stick. the issue i think i might have is that I have The Sims installed on an external, and it's not mapped out the way a typical installation is. Effectively the path is [root] (the sims puts a program files(86) folder here but it goes prog. files(86) > origin games> empty) [user] > [entertainment] >[origin] > [The sims 4]. Idk if that is related to the issue.
I do everything meticulously like you've laid out, so aside from network mapping the only other conclusion i can think off is that i'm some how saving it improperly. but I don't think that's accurate either. So i made two folders like you said and i coped the clean copy into the safe location and the working location. When i'm ready to save it, i hit save and click the name of the old file so it exactly matches and hit save. if i go back and check the file after i close the game most times i can't reopen the file, and the few times i did, the lines were still both edited. idk what else it could be.