For anyone needing the info:
BodyType num -> part type's name (studio's listing or rough guess based on ea naming conventions for parts listed) -> game's cas location to find items
77 -> Studio lists this as "Unused1", show GrT's FrecklesBody skin details -> body-body-skin details
78-87 - correct in studio
88 -> Studio lists this as "Acne (puberty)", shows GrT's Infant Carrier Backpacks --- further note: clicking on any of these in cas preview give a "Your texture must be saved as a DDS with DXT5 compression." error
89 -> [unlisted in studio] is the actual acne (puberty) overlays -> does not show in game cas
90 -> unknown - not finding any cas details in catalog that have that as a part number
91 -> [unlisted in studio] BirthmarkFace skin detail -> head-face-skin details
92 -> [unlisted in studio] BirthmarkTorsoBack skin detail -> body-body-skin details
93 -> [unlisted in studio] BirthmarkTorsoFront skin detail -> body-body-skin details
94 -> [unlisted in studio] BirthmarkArms skin detail -> body-body-skin details
95 -> [unlisted in studio] MoleFace skin details -> head-face-skin details (GrT item only)
96 -> [unlisted in studio] MoleChestUpper skin details -> body-body-skin details (GrT items only)
97 -> [unlisted in studio] MoleBackUpper skin details -> body-body-skin details (GrT items only)
98 -> [unlisted in studio] BirthmarkLegs skin details -> body-body-skin details
99 -> [unlisted in studio] StretchMarksFront skin details -> body-body-skin details
100 -> [unlisted in studio] StretchMarksBack skin details ->body-body-skin details