Actually there's no file missing. If you're following this tutorial, you'll download this two files and import them into your package file.
One is the Pie Menu Category Tuning and the other one is the Sim Data.
The "Object Tuning" and "Interation Tuning" are up to you.
1- First, create the custom tuning of your object.
2- Then create the interaction you want to appear on your pie menu.
3- On Object Tuning, under "<L n="_super_affordances">", add the TuningId of the Interaction you created.
4- Now it's where the tutorial of the video begins.
5- Batch import the two files you downloaded from their page. Now you have a Pie Menu and a Sim Data file. Follow the video tutorial.
6- At 0:32 (video), where they say "Edit display name". This is what you have to do:
On the Pie Menu file, you'll find "<T n="_display_name">0xAFA1E55D</T>". It's the name of your pie menu that will appear in game.
To create a new name/text to appear in the game, you need a new string table.
Go to Tools> Hash generator.
Type something on "Text" to generate a new key code. It can be something like: yourcreatorname:somethingelse_data_time (just an example). Then copy the number on FNV32.
Go to your Pie Menu file where it's "<T n="_display_name">0xAFA1E55D</T>". After the 0x, add your key code. Like: "<T n="_display_name">0xYOUR KEY CODE HERE</T>".
Do the same on "Sim Data" (update display name).
6- Now go String Table (Warehouse). The first one is English. "Edit Items..."
KEY: Add your key code (the one you copied from FNV32).
VALUE: The name of your Pie menu (that will appear in game). Save.
Something REALLY IMPORTANT: With the English String table selected: Tools> Modding> Copy string table to all languages.
If you don't do that, people that don't play the game in English, will get an empty text.
7- Go back to the video tutorial (0:39) timestamp and follow it (to change the Instance number).
I've only created pie menus 1 or 2 times in the past. But I guess that's all that's needed.
Good luck!