Post by renegadekitty on Dec 15, 2023 9:18:16 GMT -5
I'm trying to create a different, less-intense reaction to an in-game scenario, where in the game if you choose "No", the Sims develop lengthy negative buffs and sentiments. I want to replace the buff if I need to, because i'm not fully sure what it is, and remove the sentiments:
I've lowered the relationship impact, but I am confused on:
1. How to figure out what "buff_reason enabled 0x1D77B780 From Friend Rejection n=buff_type 297948" means. I've looked around and can't figure what what buff it relates to. I created an embarrassed buff in ModConstructor but I don't know how or if it would connect in order to place whatever the existing buff is. I want the Sim to feel moderately sad and/or embarrassed for a couple of days.
2. To remove the negative sentiments from ever happening in this interaction, do I just delete the 3 instances in the bottom: buff_NPCRelationshipAutonomy_GenericCommitment, loot_Sentiment_AddSentiment_Bitter_NeedsDistance_TargetToActor_Friend, and loot_Sentiment_AddSentiment_Hurt_Rejection ?
Thank you!
I've lowered the relationship impact, but I am confused on:
1. How to figure out what "buff_reason enabled 0x1D77B780 From Friend Rejection n=buff_type 297948" means. I've looked around and can't figure what what buff it relates to. I created an embarrassed buff in ModConstructor but I don't know how or if it would connect in order to place whatever the existing buff is. I want the Sim to feel moderately sad and/or embarrassed for a couple of days.
2. To remove the negative sentiments from ever happening in this interaction, do I just delete the 3 instances in the bottom: buff_NPCRelationshipAutonomy_GenericCommitment, loot_Sentiment_AddSentiment_Bitter_NeedsDistance_TargetToActor_Friend, and loot_Sentiment_AddSentiment_Hurt_Rejection ?
Thank you!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<I c="LootActions" i="action" m="interactions.utils.loot" n="lootActions_NPCRelationshipAutonomy_AskToBe_BestFriend_No" s="280092">
<L n="loot_actions">
<V t="statistics">
<V n="statistics" t="relationship_change">
<U n="relationship_change">
<T n="amount">-5</T>
<L n="target_participant_type">
<T n="track">16650<!--LTR_Friendship_Main--></T>
<V t="buff">
<U n="buff">
<U n="buff">
<V n="buff_reason" t="enabled">
<T n="enabled">0x1D77B780<!--(From Friend Rejection)--></T>
<T n="buff_type">297948<!--buff_TeenRelationshipDrama_RejectedFriend--></T>
<V t="buff">
<U n="buff">
<U n="buff">
<T n="buff_type">280578<!--buff_NPCRelationshipAutonomy_GenericCommitment--></T>
<V t="actions">
<T n="actions">297945<!--loot_Sentiment_AddSentiment_Bitter_NeedsDistance_TargetToActor_Friend--></T>
<V t="actions">
<T n="actions">297936<!--loot_Sentiment_AddSentiment_Hurt_Rejection--></T>